May 2017

  1. Interior Painting Tips: How to Avoid Making Common Painting Mistakes

    Interior Painting Tips: How to Avoid Making Common Painting Mistakes
    As tempting as it may be to dive into your glossy tub of paint with your shiny new paint brush, there are a number of things that should be considered to ensure that you avoid making common painting mistakes that could be detrimental to the entire decorating process. Continue reading →
  2. Interior Design Trends of 2017

    Interior Design Trends of 2017
    Before the turn of the new year, recycling and upcycling were poised to wholly take over the interior design world, with interior designers and fanatics alike praising earthy textures and aesthetics. Reclaimed materials were to remain a favourite interior trend of the public, encapsulating our ever-growing responsibility of utilising greener, more ethically-sourced building and project materials. Continue reading →

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