October 2017

  1. How Wood Reclamation Can Reinvent Your Home

    How Wood Reclamation Can Reinvent Your Home
    Wood is typically at the centre of every home. Whether your kitchen boasts a wooden vibe, or your walls, worktops and belongings are all made from wood, this particular material is often the first choice for any homeowner. The popularity of this material does correlate to an increase in prices, however. To capitalise on the quality and appearance of wooden decor without paying through the nose, wood reclamation is a system which provides homeowners with quality products at a fraction of the costs. Cawarden Brick & Tile Co. explain how reclaimed doors, floorboards, skirting boards and other features can reinvent your home. Continue reading →
  2. How To Use Recycled Bricks in Your Home and Garden

    How To Use Recycled Bricks in Your Home and Garden
    To many homeowners, bricks can appear one dimensional; all they are good for is shaping the outside of your house and putting a roof over your head. Although this use may be their primary use, recycled bricks can also be used to decorate and design your home and garden, and help transform it into a stylish and upscale space. Cawarden Brick & Tile Co. outline a number of different ideas for introducing recycled bricks into your garden and your home. Continue reading →

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