November 2017

  1. The Benefits of Wooden Floor Care Products

    The Benefits of Wooden Floor Care Products
    The floor of any home goes through a lot in its lifetime, whether it be kids dropping food on them, plates smashing on them or having muddy footprints trawled across them. When your floor bares the brunt of all these mishaps and misfortunes, it is important to give them care and attention they so desperately need. In their latest blog post, Cawarden Brick & Tile Co. outline the many benefits of wooden floor care products, and how they can help protect, prolong and polish your floor. Continue reading →
  2. Why Should You Use Reclaimed Materials?

    Why Should You Use Reclaimed Materials?
    When the time comes to replacing some of our old and weathered products and pieces of furniture, many homeowners would turn to their nearest department store. To save yourself some money and to introduce a more traditional aesthetic into your home, why not swap the department store for some vintage, reclaimed materials? In their latest blog post, Cawarden Brick & Tile Co. outline the many benefits of choosing reclaimed materials over brand new products. Continue reading →

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